Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jim Salicrup's FEARLESS DAWN!

Great show yesterday at Mike Carbo's NYCBM. The sketches were a-flowin' all day long. Look forward to a full report with pics in a couple of days. My pal Ted Gusek got the whole thing down on film. And check this out...I even got a free Fearless Dawn marker sketch from the esteemed Jim Salicrup over at Papercutz check them out HERE for all your Stinky Dead Kid needs!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mannion at Carbo's NYC Feb. 27

My Man is back in action! Mike Carbo's New York Comic Book Marketplace link will be open this weekend for buisiness right across from Madison Square Garden in the Big Apple's own Penn Plaza Pavillion! I'll be sitting with Rick Parker and Jim Salicrup in the Papercutz/Tales from the Crypt Booth. Woo Hoo! Here's the poop:

Welcome to the New York Comic Book Marketplace!
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: LOCATION HAS BEEN CHANGED!!!! $10. admission…lots of dealers selling comics, toys, dvd’s , etc….No longer @ Armory, NOW at the PENN PLAZA PAVILION ( the old location for the National )410 7th Ave. ( corner of 33rd Street / across the street from MSG ) NYC..10:30am -7pm….Saturday 27th February. Easier & more options for public transportation!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Secret of the Swamp Thumbs, etc.

Here's some small thumbs and a rough splash from an unfinished Fearless Dawn tale, The Secret of the Swamp, which can be partially seen in sample form over at my ABC site. She was pretty animated at this juncture, I decided to move in a different direction with the character and I distinctly remember getting tongue-tied at the reveal. Brick wall time for me in the story! I did enjoy the tightness of these thumbs and the introduction of the "Old" Brownhole Jones Character. When some time breaks, I would dig finishing this one for kicks. We'll see.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dave's Poster

My man Dave custom coaster (link) did this collage a while back with our gal. I dig seeing this kinda stuff. Some folks have been asking about doing pin-ups, etc...I dunno. Just do it! I love to see Fearless Dawn fan art and pin-ups show up in my email. Really it is a very groovy feeling. So, do it if ya want or dont, and thanks fer givin' a dammnn!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Here's a neato-keeno youtube video link I just got from Forbidden Planet's own Matt D. It's got everything on there in a nutshell about our day, except you can't really feel the freezing cold. Man it was cold that day. A special thanks to the fans and friends who made it out! Infamous editor Jim Salicrup can be seen along with Ben H, the Kane Kids, so many great folks. A special Happy B-Day shout out is due for the Ted-Meister-G who's bridge navigating skills and general camraderie made the trip a pleasent, fun filled experience. We hope to do it again sometime. Thanks again everyone!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Got N.I.L.F. ?

Here's a cool one we moved at the Forbidden Planet signing (thanks Dave!), which was a blast.(The signing, that is...Well the art's pretty cool too!) Hopefully I'll give a detailed report with pictures as well. Great gang of folks at the store, a bevy of old friends showed up and new Fiends were made!