Sunday, January 23, 2011

Action Packed Pee Wee!

A little original art teaser from Fearless Dawn #4, still avaiable at finer shops and Asylum Press website of course!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Roughs, sketches etc.

Here was a little find I thought I'd post-sketch 8.5x11. Some may recognize the Tales from the Crypt Thumbnails, Jim Salicrup would definitely recognize 'em!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jungle Chick and the Dinosaur!

On weekends, I try to do a fun pin-up and take it easy on assignments and stuff, try to keep the love for drawing. A tinge of guilt, this ingrate has sometimes.( I guess a lot of times I draw a fun pin-up instead of doing my assignments. Don't tell anyone!) Anyways, here was a recent example. The indoobitable "Jungle Chick and her arch nemeseis the Dinosaur...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Witchie Witch panel

Just a Witchie Witch shot. A lotta dip pen nib on this one. Hope to finish this little story soon-It's a ll roughed out and everything. Just gotta execute! the finishes...