Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gifts from fans...

These were wonderful to get. Awseome collector friend Neil Bramlette scored this sketch of Fearless Dawn from the incredible Brian Stelfreeze and handed it to me in Baltimore. Wow! Thanks Neil, it sits right in front of me at the drawing table, egging me on with it's bold lines. This other one was a Mannion con sketch that the recipient was completely stoked on. She took it over to this candy making booth up at the Canada Expo and made my sketch into a piece of chocolate. Imagine my surprise when I was presented with this baby. A little Mannion Nazi chick on a chocolate bar, Friggin' yum!
Thanks to all you guys, you've been great. A wonderful gang of folks I have met out there on the circuit!


  1. No problem, man. Just a small token of my appreciation for the amazing work you do.

  2. Nazi candy and naughty Dawn, I need to go to more Cons.
